Masterclass: Florian Köhne & Hans Böhme

Interactive Empathy: The Making of Trüberbrook

13/11 | WEDNESDAY | 14:00 | HUB385
Petračićeva 6
open to public

15:00 Panel: Can You Make an Artistic Hit Game?

The events are realized as part of Interactive Empathy, a gaming and citizenship project organized by Institut français de Croatie and Goethe Institut Kroatien, supported by Franco-German Cultural Fund.

Trüberbrook is a sci-fi mystery adventure game set in rural Germany in the late 1960s. Besides its unusual setting and a strong influence of old school point-and-click adventures, one of Trüberbrook’s most distinctive features is its unique visual style. The entire scenery and backdrops were built from scratch as miniature models and staged with real-world filmic lighting setups. How do you turn miniature models into levels for a computer game and make them interactive? In their masterclass, Florian Köhne (game director) and Hans Böhme (lead artist) will show their long journey from first experiments to the finished product.


Florian Köhne

A German designer based in Berlin. He graduated from the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences in 2012. He started out as a designer and art director at btf, focusing on music videos, motion graphics, and main titles for TV shows, series, and films. Working as the author and director of the award-winning adventure game Trüberbrook, he became Head of btf’s newly formed Game Development Department in 2016.

Hans Böhme

Studied Intermedia Design at the University of Applied Science in Trier with a focus on film, animation, and games. Since then, he has worked on various projects across different design disciplines, as a freelancer and on collaborative projects. He joined btf during the development of the company’s second game, Game Royale 2, and wrote his master thesis about Trüberbrook’s workflows and pipelines for asset production. Hans is now Lead Artist of btf’s Game Development Department.